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2 yard can

A 2 yard can can hold up to 2 and 3 hundred lbs of trash. 

55" DEEP

78" WIDE

52" TALL

3 yard can

A 3 yard can can hold up to 3 and 4 hundred lbs of trash. 

76" DEEP

78" WIDE

52" TALL

4 yard can

A 4 yard can can hold up to 4 and 5 hundred lbs of trash. 

110" DEEP

78" WIDE

52" TALL

We only service Montgomery County for Commerical Trash Service.

Please be sure to go to the "Business & Commercial" page and fill out the form for a quote! 

We also offer 90 gallon tote cans for newspaper, commingles or just for trash.

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